Практическая работа №2.
“Speaking about the wonders of nature”- УМК М.З. Биболетова, О.А Денисенко, Н.Н. Трубанёва - EE- 6 класс
Задание « warm-up»
Read the sentences and say if it’s true or false , if you agree or not.
1. Niagara Falls are situated in Australia.
2. The Curonian Spit is situated in the USA.
3. The White Cliffs are situated in Great Britain.
4. The Great Barrier Reef belongs to both the Russian Federation and Lithuania.
Задание «a 1-minute talk»
Convince your partner that the Great Barrier Reef is one of the most unique wonders of nature.
I would like to visit the Great Barrier Reef because I want to see corals of different shapes and sizes, and bright colours.They grow on the ocean floor in warm, clean and clear sea- water. The Great Barrier Reef is also full of unique plants and animals.
Задание « a 2-3 minute talk».
Find the English equivalents for these phrases in the texts. Match the phrases and sentences.
- the native people, the fantastic combination of forests, the white line of cliffs , an underwater garden, different shapes and colours, the great quantity of water, highest moving sand dunes
1. The native people called the waterfalls “Niagara” because “Niagara” means “Great Thunderer of Waters”.
2. The great quantity of water makes Niagara attractive and exciting.
3. The fantastic combination of forests, beach and desert makes this place unique.
4. The Curonian Spit is famous for its highest moving sand dunes in Europe.
5. The White Cliffs of Dover have become a symbol of Great Britain because the white line of cliffs is the first sight that travellers can see crossing the English Channel from France.
6. The Great Barrier Reef looks like an underwater garden.
7. The tourists want to dive and see corals of different shapes and colours.
- Say what wonder of nature you have read about that you would like to visit, and explain why.
Example: I would like to visit the Great Barrier Reef because I want to dive and see corals of different shapes and colours.