Разработка урока по английскому языку в 5 классе
Никитина Екатерина Сергеевна,
Учитель английского языка,
МОУ Школа № 163,
Класс – 5, уровень – Elementary,
УМК: Spotlight 5, Ваулина Юлия, Дули Дженни, Эванс Вирджиния, Подоляко Ольга,
Раздел – 9, Тема – «Don’t miss it!»
Date: the 12th of April
Group characteristics (e.g. size, age, range of ability):size – 14, age – 11-12, range of ability – Elementary, Form 5a.
Characteristics of the occasion (e.g. time of day, preceding lesson, weather, period of academic year): time – 12.30-13.10, weather – sunny and warm day, period of academic year - 4
Aim of the lesson: by the end of the lesson the students will be able to write a short film review
Equipment: student’s book, hand-outs, recorder. CD
New vocabulary and structures: horror, romance, comedy, action, animated, western, science fiction, historical, government spy, disappear, to rescue, armed, high-tech gadgets, to face, to save, full of action, perfect.
Activity time |
Teacher instruction |
Activity objective |
Evidence of activity objective achievement/failure |
2 min |
Greeting |
2 min
1 Look at the title of the text and the illustration and answer the questions: a) Do you like watching films? b) How often do you go to the cinema? c) Do you prefer to watch films? d) What type of film do you like?
SWBAT identify the topic of the text.
Achievement: 12 Failure: 2 |
4 min |
2 Listen to the music, Look at the list of types of film: Horror – ужасы Romance - романтика Comedy – комедия Action - боевик Animated - мультипликационный Western – вестерн Science fiction – научная фантастика Historical - исторический Which type of film does it match? |
SWBAT identify The new words
Achievement: 14 Failure: 0 |
2 min |
3 Deducing the meaning of the words: Government spy – государственный шпион To disappear – исчезать, пропадать To rescue - спасать Armed - вооруженный High-tech gadget – высокотехнологичное оборудование To face – сталкиваться To save - спасать Full of action – полон действий Perfect – совершенный
SWBAT deduce the meaning of the words
Achievement: 14 Failure: 0 |
7 min |
4 Read the text for gist and answer the question: What is this text about? |
SWBAT read the text for gist
Achievement: 12 Failure: 2 |
4 min |
5 Read the text and correct the words in bold: 1.This film is about the Simpsons family. 2.Mum and Dad are real doctors. 3.Their three kids are the only people who can rescue them. 4.The kids face wonderful monsters and become pupils. 5.Carmen and Juni manage to save their children. 6.It’s the awful film. Don’t watch it! |
SWBAT single out specific information
Achievement: 9 Failure: 5 |
5 min |
6 Read the text for detailed information and mark the sentences as T (true), F (false), NS (not stated): 1. The kids are real government spies. ____ 2. The parents suddenly disappear. ____ 3. Carmen is eight and Juni is fourteen. ____ 4. The kids haven’t got high-tech gadgets. ____ 5. The parents face horrible monsters. ____ 6. The kids can save the world from the robots. ____ 7. The parents are very kind. ____ 8. Spy kids 2 is a film about two kids who must save their parents.____
SWBAT find the detailed information
Achievement: 7 Failure: 7 |
8 min |
Make notes under the following headings: Type Plot Main characters Recommendation
SWBAT write the text according the plan
Achievement: 7 Failure: 7 |
6 min |
Use your notes to summarize the review
SWBAT retell the text according the plan
Achievement: 8 Failure: 6 |
HOME TASK: Use your notes to write a short review for the school magazine. Use ex. 7 as a model.
Don’t miss it!
Spy Kids 2:
The Island of Lost Dreams
By Stephanie Granger, year 9
Spy Kids 2 The Island of Lost Dreams is a great action film about the Cortez family. Mum and Dad (Carla Gugino and Antonio Banderas) are real government spies who suddenly disappear. Their two kids, Carmen and Juni (Alexa Vega and Daryl Sabara), are the only people on earth who can rescue them.
The kids, armed with a bag of high-tech gadgets, face horrible monsters and become heroes as they manage to save their parents and the world from the child robots.
Spy Kids 2 is a film full of action and adventure. It is the perfect film for the whole family. Don’t miss it!
Spotlight (английский в фокусе) 5 класс, Ю.Е. Ваулина, В.Эванс и др., изд «Просвещение» 2009, модуль 9, стр.110.