Описание теста

1.When I touched him on the shoulder, he …(обернуться).

2.It was his first flight. He was nervous as the plane (взлететь).

3.How was the exam? How did you (преуспевать)?

4.My knowledge of mathematics isn’t so good, but it’s enough to(сдавать).

5.You are walking too fast. I can’t (поспевать за) you.

6.I can’t hear you very well. Can you (говорить громко) a little?

7.There was a robbery last week. The robbers (ускользнуть) $50,000.

8.I (заглянуть) to see Chris on my way home.

9. The computer isn’t working as you haven’t (включать) it.

10. The man said he was a policeman and I believed him. I was completely (обманывать).

11.Gary went to university but (выпадать) after the year.

12.In the sentence ‘She said that she was ill’, you can (пропустить) the word ‘that’.

13. The weather wasn’t good in the morning but it   (обернуться) nice later.

14.The company is (испытывать) some new software at the moment.

15.The concert in the park had to be (отменять) because of the weather.

Вы можете неограниченное количество раз попытаться пройти тест, но засчитана будет только первая попытка, по результатам которой тест будет считаться пройденным или не пройденным. Для прохождения теста необходимо ответить правильно не менее, чем на 70% вопросов